PlayTactile  —
Alex and Lilani's tactile and colourful reading playground

Five games in large format

The five board games offer the opportunity to experience your own tactile abilities in a playful way. The inclusive games were developed in an oversized format for visually impaired and sighted people alike.


An inclusive game with a domino effect!
All participants are blindfolded and can pull a tactile domino out of the bag and place it on the table when they feel a matching one.

A domino with four black, raised dots on a blue background on the left-hand side and six black, raised dots on a yellow background on the right-hand side.


An inclusive game in which memorisation takes centre stage!
You can train your memory with this game! There are sixteen tactile cards. Two of them are the same. The blindfolded player who finds the most pairs wins and is sure to be applauded by Lilani and Alex!

Square blue playing card with a raised circle with a black outline. The circle is filled with black zigzag lines.


An inclusive game that brings knowledge to the board!
A game with cards, each with a tactile letter on it. If you manage to place the two names Lilani and Alex blindfolded or come up with something else original from the letters, you will be on a winning run.

A square, red playing card with rounded corners. In the centre is a raised Y in black lettering with a white border. Below it on the right is the black lettering 10 with a black outline and filled with white. Next to it in the left-hand corner is the number 10 in raised Braille. At the top left is the letter Y in raised Braille.

0 + 10

An inclusive numbers and dice game!
Two dice are used in this game. Each time you roll the dice, you place the card corresponding to the number rolled on the playing field. You can also place several cards. For example, if you roll the sum of 8, you can place the following cards: the 8, the 3 + 5 or the 1 + 3 + 4. The zero is the valuable joker, you can use it for any number.

Eine quadratische grüne Spielkarte mit abgerundeten Ecken. In der Mitte steht die Zahl acht in Schwarzschrift in schwarz mit weisser Umrandung. Oben rechts steht die Zahl acht in Brailleschrift. Beide Zahlen sind erhaben.

Gym bags

An inclusive game of touch and feel!
You will find three objects in each of Alex and Lilani's gym bags. If you reach into the cloth bags with your eyes closed and can feel six of their nine favourite objects, you are the winner of this game.

Dark blue sports bag with white strings. It has Alex and Lilani written on it (Alex in light blue, Lilani in red).


The inclusive board games were developed for visually impaired and sighted people alike. The shared joy of playing is at the centre of the diverse range of games, which knows no age limits. Fun for everyone!

The SPIELTAKTIL game series was developed and designed on the initiative of the «Swiss Centre for Design and Health SCDH» by the «Netthoevel & Gaberthüel design company for communication design» in collaboration with an international research team from the «Institute of Design Research IDR" at the «Bern University of the Arts HKB» and the «Heidelberg University of Education PHHD». The plan is for the first four of the games described on this website to be published in family format by the non-profit association «Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich PPKS» and the «Deutsches Zentrum für barrierefreies Lesen DZB».